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Transnational Organization for the diffusion of gastronomy in the world as a social and cultural value, as a driver for economic growth and job creation, as well as a tourist resource and a source of healthy living.



The new way to know about food. A worldwide Blog Magazine about Gastronomic Culture without borders, with rigorous and entertaining articles. Discover here the multilingual


El nuevo medio para conocer todo sobre alimentación. Una Revista Online multilingüe sobre Cultura Gastronómica. Con artículos rigurosos y entretenidos. Descubre aquí el WGI COMEFOOD Magazine.


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«WGI Global Report 2020 
A Gastronomic Planet»

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Image presentation
Global Report 2020
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Press Release
Nota de Prensa
CLIPPING - 19 Oct.

Presentation of the book «Peruvian Gastronomy. Cultural Heritage of Humanity»  

Afiche libro gastronomia.jpg
Gastronomía peruana. Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad  
PDF download here

Organización transnacional para la divulgación y difusión de la gastronomía en el mundo como valor social y cultural, como motor económico y de empleo, como recurso turístico y como fuente de vida saludable.

Internationell Organisation för diffusion av gastronomi runt om i världen som socialt och kulturellt värde, som ekonomi och sysselsättning, som en resurs för turism och en källa till hälsosam livsstil.

Gastronominin dünyada; sosyal ve kültürel bir değer, ekonomik büyüme ve istihdama yönlendiren bir unsur, turistler ve sağlıklı yaşam için bir kaynak olmasını amaçlayan uluslararası bir organizasyondur.

Organisation transnationale pour la divulgation et la diffusion de la gastronomie dans le monde comme une valeur sociale et culturelle, comme moteur de l’économie et de l’emploi, comme ressource touristique

et comme source de vie saine.


एक  अंतराष्ट्रीय  संस्था  जो  कि  विश्व  में  पाक  कला  के  द्वारा  सामाजिक  व  सांस्कृतिक  मूल्यों  का  प्रसार   तथा  आर्थिक   विकास  एवं   रोजगार  में वृद्धि व  पर्यटन  संसाधनों  के  द्वारा  स्वस्थ  जीवन  शैली  को  आधार  प्रदान करती है ।

Eine transnationale Organisation mit dem Ziel, den gesellschaftlichen und kulturellen Wert der Gastronomie auf der ganzen Welt bekannt und bewusst zu machen und zu zeigen, dass dieser Wert als Wirtschaftsmotor Arbeitsplätze schafft, eine Tourismusressource darstellt und eine Quelle für einegesunde Lebensweise bildet.

المنظمة الوطنية للإفصاح تذوق الطعام الغذاء في العالم، عبرالقيمة الاجتماعية والثقافية، واقتصادية وفرص العمل كمورد للسياحة ومصدرا للحياة صحي

Organização internacional para a divulgação e difusão da gastronomia no mundo, como valor social e cultural, como meio económico e do emprego, e como recurso turístico e fonte de vida saudável.

Transnational organisation for diffusion af Gastronomi i verden, som en social og kulturel ventil, som drivkraft for økonomisk vækst samt en turisme ressorce og en kilde til sund lisstil.

Транснациональная организация для развития и распространения гастрономии во всем мире как социальное и культурное значение, как двигатель для экономики и возможность увеличения рабочих мест,в качестве ресурса туризма и источник здорового образа жизни.

Organizatie internationala pentru a difuza gastronomia in lume ca valoare sociala si culturala ca motor economic si de munca, ca recurs turistic si sursa de viat a sanatoasa.

ארגון בינלאומי להפצה ופרסום הגסטרונומיה בעולם כערך חברתי ותרבותי, כמנוע כלכלי ותעסוקתי, כמשאב לעידוד התיירות וכמקור לחיים בריאיים

Organizzazione Internazionale per la divulgazione e diffusione della Gastronomia nel mondo come valore sociale, culturale, come sviluppo economico e opportunità di lavoro, come risorsa turistica e come fonte di benessere e salute.

Tổ chức xuyên quốc gia để phổ biến và phổ biến ẩm thực trên thế giới như là một giá trị xã hội và văn hoá, như là một động cơ kinh tế và việc làm, như một nguồn tài nguyên du lịch và là một nguồn sống lành mạnh


About us

The World Gastronomy Institute (WGI) is a transnational NGO with Consultative Status, accredited by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Collaborating Entity of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and Collaborator and a Member of the UNITWIN Network of the UNESCO Chair on Food, Culture and Development UOC.

The WGI since its foundation in 2007 collaborates, very actively, with Intergovernmental Organizations, Associations, Public Administrations (national governments, territorial and local administrative divisions) and Diplomatic Missions, also providing support to the business network relating to gastronomy.

World Gastronomy Institute, due to its international presence in the academic, research and development context,  is considered the most influential gastronomic Organization in the world, usually intervening in more than a hundred projects simultaneously in dozens of countries.

Currently, more than a hundred Collaboration Agreements are in force, offering leadership and support to the food sector in advancing knowledge and local and global policies worldwide. 

The spirit imbued by the founders has continued to be maintained and extended at the General Assemblies held, including the administrative restructuring in 2012 with the change of Headquarters to Spain, and there-foundation of the Organization in 2017, when it was approved to dissolve the Organizations and Local associations belonging to the WGI, constituting a single Global Entity.

It serves as a global forum for gastronomic policy issues and a practical source of knowledge through its activities and actions such as the organization and participation in meetings, seminars, conferences, events, contests, congress, publications, and educational initiatives. WGI encourages the implementation of a Global Code of Ethics for Gastronomy, to maximize the contribution of this discipline to socio-economic development, while minimizing its possible negative impacts, and is committed to promoting food as an instrument in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

WGI's messages and activities are of increasing importance today, in a globalized world where interconnections, geographic mobility, the need for sustainable development and diversity must serve as opportunities to build peace in people's minds.

A world where gastronomy has a preponderant role, since it intervenes in the social transformation and development of Humanity, in such crucial issues as: differentiation of national identity, strategic area of creating Wealth richness, setting up employment, source of healthy life, share and like essential food tourist agent; as academic and educational issues. And as fundamental element of Intangible Cultural Heritage.




The Organizational Aims of the WGI are to promote and develop sustainable gastronomy -rational, thinking and responsible-  to contribute to cultural and socioeconomic development, international understanding, peace, prosperity and universal respect for, and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion. In pursuing these Aims, WGI gives particular attention to the interests of developing countries in the field of gastronomy, including Food in all its manifestations, the process of food production, culinary culture and its diversity, educational and informative models, Food Tourism, associations and institutional treatment, economic influences and, above all, in what affects people.


● Engaging with the Governments and Public Administrations and the private sector, regional and local food organizations, Academical and researcher institutions, civil society and the UN system to build a more sustainable, responsible and competitive gastronomic sector.


● Mainstreaming the food culture in the world agenda: Advocating the value of gastronomy as a driver of growth, its inclusion as a priority in national and international policies and the need to create a level playing field for the sector to develop and prosper, taking care of the earth, and working for the reduction of inequalities in the world.


● Fostering knowledge society, education and capacity building: Supporting actors to assess and address their needs in academic training, as well as providing networks, meeting and events for Creation and Exchange of knowledge, at the service of the majority.


●Improving gastronomic competitiveness: Getting better the cuality and sectorial competencies through knowledge creation and exchange, human resources development and the promotion of excellence in areas such as policy planning, statistics and market trends, sustainable food tourism development, marketing and promotion, product development and risk and crisis management.


● Constitute and build a meeting space in which to explore and unite International Relations and Gastronomy, being de facto a platform prepared to promote the analysis, study and divulgation of these matters, interrelated or converging


● To achieve the objectives, the WGI will seek: Gathering different internal actors in a forums of dialogue, organizing Meetings and Events. Generating academic documentation that serves as an international benchmark. Be a platform speaker to the social movements that promote the quality food and agriculture. Creating working groups with common interests. And advise the public and private sector involved, in institutional relations, communication, educational and organizational issues



The General Assembly is the principal gathering of the World Gastronomy Institute. It meets periodically to approve the budget and programme of work and to debate topics of vital importance to the food sector in related subjects such as culture, tourism, society, employment, health, economy, education and divulgation.

The General Assembly is responsible for selecting a Secretary-‎General and approvingthe lines for policy action and master guidelines of the Councils.

The WGI is coordinated by the Executive Council, which has a Steering Committee for conclusive decisions. The Institution has an Advisory Council organized in National Delegates, Delegate Ambassadors and Advisors. The only difference in the classification is that the National Delegates have a more executive role, the Ambassadors a more representative role and the Advisors a consultative role.

The Entity delegates some functions in different Subsidiary Organs such as the Committee on Education, the Commission of Divulgation and Communication, the World Committee on Ethics, Committee on Food Tourism, Committee on Hospitality and Hostelry Sector, Committee on Alcoholic Traditional Beverages, Intangible Heritage Committee and the Commission of Food Culture.

Executive Council / Steering Committee

José Manuel Iglesias


Blanca Berrón

Vice-President of Communication and Publications

Gabriel Leonart

Associate Vice-President in Chile

Enrique Fernández

Associate Vice-President of Traditional Alcoholic Beverages Affairs

Quique Cerro

Special Advisor on Culinary Affairs

Carlos Alonso

Advisor on Fundraising & Commercial Relations

Sara Beatriz Guardia

Gastronomic Culture Consultant

Sara Carducci

Consultant on Institutional Affairs

Isaac Abad

Consultant on Image Affairs

Víctor García

Communication Consultant

Raúl Iglesias

Director on Sociocultural Affairs

Rafael Ansón

Honorary President

Luis Tesón

Corporate Vice-President

Chandra Shamsher

Associate Vice-President in India

Frédéric Duhart

Institutional Advisor on Academic Affairs

Juan Manuel Redondo

Institutional Advisor on Financial Affairs

Marios D. Sotiriadis

Special Consultant in Academic Affairs

Rosa Santofimia

Deputy Director of the General Secretariat Office

Javier Lorés Mínguez

Design and Communication Consultant

Juan Suárez

Director of Institutional Security Affairs

Satur Cantón ♰ RIP 2022

Commercial Relations Manager

José Manuel González-Mujeriego

Culture Consultant

Juan José Burgos

Senior Vice-President of Ethics and Gastronomic Culture

Rosa María González

Associate Vice-President of Academic Affairs

Gaspar Ros

Associate Vice-President of Academic Affairs

Jocelyne Napoli

Institutional Advisor on Academic Affairs

Francisco-José Hernández

Special Advisor on Legal Affairs

Almudena Villegas

Gastronomic Culture Consultant

Miguel Ángel Martín

Consultant on Institutional Affairs

Gumer Guerra

Communication Consultant

Joaquín del Toro

Executive Director of Corporate Security

Antonio Pérez

Deputy Director of the General Secretariat

F. Xavier Medina

President of Committee on Education

David Basilio

Presidennt of Committee on Hospitality and Hostelry Sector

Jordi Tresserras

President of Committee on Food Tourism

Isabel Mijares ♰ RIP 2024

President of Committee on Alcoholic Traditional Beverages

Lluís Garcia Petit

President of Intangible Heritage Committee

Board of Subsidiary Organs

Special Consultants

Luis Alves

Director-General of Culinary Relations Delegate Ambassador Portugal

Roy D. Palmer

Special Consultanton Seafood Affairs

Jesús Marquina

Special Advisor on Pizza Affairs

John Clancy

Special Consultant for Institutional Affairs in Culinary Arts

Manesh Fernando

Special Advisor on International Hospitality

Advisory Council

Delegate Ambassadors / National Delegates

Honorary Ambassador

Thomas A. Gugler

Honorary Ambassador

Delegate Ambassador USA

Donna J. Keren

Delegate Ambassador USA

Special Amb. of Gastronomic Culture

Florencio Sanchidrián

Special Amb. of Gastronomic Culture

Delegate Ambassador South Africa

Manfred Muellers

Delegate Ambassador South Africa

Delegate Ambassador Azerbaijan

Tahir Amiraslanov

Delegate Ambassador Azerbaijan

Delegate Ambassador Turkey

Emrah Köksal Sezgin

Delegate Ambassador Turkey

National Delegate Turkey

Filiz Hösükoğlu

National Delegate Turkey

National Delegate Colombia

María Galán

National Delegate Colombia

National Delegate Ecuador

Roberta Curiazi

National Delegate Ecuador

National Delegate Taiwan-ROC

Daniel Negreira

National Delegate Taiwan-ROC

National Delegata Turkey

Veyis Durdu

National Delegata Turkey

International Ambassador

Ragnar Fridriksson

International Ambassador

Delegate Ambassador China

Sidney C. H. Cheung

Delegate Ambassador China

Delegate Ambassador Italy

Fiorella Dallari

Delegate Ambassador Italy

Delegate Ambassador Slovakia

Miloš Lachkovič

Delegate Ambassador Slovakia

Delegate Ambassador Denmark

Knud-Erik Larsen

Delegate Ambassador Denmark

Delegate Ambassador Hawaii (U.S.A.)

Paul Christiaan Klieger ♰ RIP 2019

Delegate Ambassador Hawaii (U.S.A.)

National Delegate Argentina

Gladys Pérez-Ferrando

National Delegate Argentina

National Delegate Indonesia

Vita Datau

National Delegate Indonesia

National Delegate Cameroon

Jean Paulin Mengue

National Delegate Cameroon

National Delegate Peru

Patricia Fernández

National Delegate Peru

National Delegate South Korea

Hanhee Hahm

National Delegate South Korea

Delegate Ambassador India

Saurabh Kumar Dixit

Delegate Ambassador India

Delegate Ambassador Philippines

Tracey Santiago

Delegate Ambassador Philippines

Delegate Ambassador Brazil

Mauro J. Ferreira

Delegate Ambassador Brazil

Delegate Ambassador Croatia

Erich Glavica

Delegate Ambassador Croatia

Delegate Ambassador Vietnam

Nhi Nguyen Thi Hong

Delegate Ambassador Vietnam

Delegate Ambassador United Kingdom

Gary Filbey

Delegate Ambassador United Kingdom

National Delegate Japan

Akamine Jun (赤嶺淳)

National Delegate Japan

National Delegate Portugal

Carlos Fernandes

National Delegate Portugal

National Delegate Venezuela

Laura Pérez-Orta

National Delegate Venezuela

National Delegate Colombia

Carlos Amezquita

National Delegate Colombia

National Delegate Canada

Anita Stewart ♰ RIP 2020

National Delegate Canada

Advisory Members

Olivia Brigas

Advisory Member Mexico

Robbie Postma

Advisory Member Netherlands

Sara Nässén

Advisory Member Sweden

Robert Gelinas

Advisory Member Malaysia

Tsuchiya Naofumi

Advisory Member Japan

Zdravko Krnjajić

Advisory Member Slovenia

Antonio J. Gras

Food Culture Advisor

Jennifer Kim Lian Chan

Advisory Member Malaysia

Alejandra Feldman

Advisory Member Spain

Mª Luisa Safont

Advisory Member Spain

José Maria Egea

Advisory Member Spain

Álvaro Arriola

Advisory Member Mexico

Antonio P. Russo

Advisory Member Spain

Julio Quiroz de la Rosa

Advisory Member Chile

Christian Holvoet

Advisory Member Chile

Kamaleswar Kalita

Advisory Member India

Fransisca Wijanarko

Advisory Member Indonesia - Singapore

Elisa Magnani

Advisory Member Italy

Nithyanandan Mohan

Advisory Member India

Rosana Mazaro

Advisory Member Brazil

Danijela Pantic

Advisory Member Serbia

Uros Urosevic

Advisory Member Serbia

Paul E. Siserman

Advisory Member Romania

Nihal Kadıoğlu Çevik

Advisory Member Turkey

Georgine Leung

Advisory Member United Kingdom

Marianela Olivares

Advisory Member Spain

Antonella Pellettieri

Advisory Member Italy

Ticiana Oliveira

Advisory Member Brazil

João Pedro Gomes

Advisory Member Portugal

Alejandro Ordás

Advisory Member Spain

Patrick Strefford

Advisory Member Japan

Gabriela Palacios Pola

Advisory Member Mexico

Angelo Vettese

Advisory Member Italy

Chindu Chandran

Advisory Member India

Larisa Veselova

Advisory Member Russia

Gisela Dezillio

Advisory Member USA

Americo DiFronzo

Advisory Member USA

Kristine Oevreboe

Advisory Member Norway

Alessandro Dirienzo

Advisory Member Italy

Isabel Gimeno

Advisory Member Spain

Olivier Michils

Advisory Member Belgium

Ernesto Di Renzo

Advisory Member Italy

Roberta Garibaldi

Advisory Member Italy

Antonio Khalaf

Advisory Member Spain

Lara González

Advisory Member United Kingdom

Ana Paula Guimarães

Advisory Member Portugal

Hiroko Sasaki

Advisory Member Japan

Sabrina Lyngdoh

Advisory Member India

Institutional Partners

With the Support, Patronage and Collaboration of





Recurso 2_fundación-arte-gastro.jpg

Argentina - Australia - Azerbaijan - Belgium - Brazil - Cameroon - Canada

Chile - China - Colombia - Croatia - Denmark - Ecuador - France

Germany - Greece - Iceland - India - Indonesia - Ireland - Italy

Japan - Malaysia - Mexico - Netherlands - Norway - Perú - Philippines

Portugal - ROC Taiwan - Romania - Russia - Serbia - Singapore - Slovakia

Slovenia - South Africa - South Korea - Spain - Sri Lanka - Sweden -Turkey

United Kingdom - Unites States of America - Venezuela - Vietnam

We are in 46 countries


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WGI / Cátedra Ferran Adrià UCJC

Madrid, España


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