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Executive Council / Steering Committee

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José Manuel Iglesias


Doctor honoris causa in International Cooperation at EPED-Unipol, México. Degree in Communication and Marketing (WU) USA, and Postgraduate Diploma in International Relations (URJC), Spain. Advisor of the UNESCO Chair on Food, Culture and Development UOC. Special Advisor to Education on the Worldchefs Board. He has been several times the winner of the "Gourmand World Awards" in different categories, including `Best. Book of the World´. 

General Manager of the Bocuse d'Or Team Spain. He has held several management positions in many Hospitality Schools and has been Speaker at Cervantes Institute or University of Chiapas, and Professor in the Ferran Adrià Chair (UCJC), ICADE or CAEI (SEI-URJC). Key Speaker 3rd UNESCO UNITWIN International Conference, Tourism and Gastronomy Heritage. Key Speaker STHMCON in Shillong, India. Chairman of EXPOFOODING World Conference of Gastronomy and International Relations. 


Rafael Ansón

Honorary President

President of the Ibero-American Academy of Gastronomy, Honorary President of the International Academy and President of the European Community of New Gastronomy.

He has collaborated with educational institutions and projects such as the Gastronomy Chair at the UAX, the Code of Ethics for Gastronomy Professionals at the UFV or the IE Gastronomy project at the IE. Founder and General Secretary of the Spanish Nutrition Foundation.


Juan José Burgos

Senior Vice-President of Ethics and 

Gastronomic Culture

Degree in Economics UCM and Master's Degree in Finance.

UD President of Slow Food Madrid.

Promoter and practitioner of respect for food and good nutrition, particularly where food is produced with traditional processes and they are varieties linked to the production area and the seasons of the year.


Blanca Berrón

Vice-President of Communication 

and Publications

Graduated as Senior Technician in Business Administration (CESA). Diploma in Commercial Techniques and Social Media Management (SA).

She has developed her professional career as Editor and Design. Director of the monthly magazine "El Gastronómico" as well as Project Director of the magazine "GastroDiplomacy News". Administrative Director in a communication company specializing in hospitality and as Coordinator of Papers and Design of the "Seminar on Gastronomy and International Relations" CAEI-SEI-URJC.


Luis Tesón

Corporate Associate Vice-President

President of the "Observatory of Agroecological Innovation in the

face of climate change" from Universidad de Murcia, Expert in Marketing, Master's Degree from ENAE, Digital Marketing from UNED Foundation, Honorary Member of "La Roja de la Cocina", Professor and lecturer at ENAE. Lecturer at EXPOFOODING World Conference on Gastronomy and International Relations 2016.

1st Prize Best adaptation of the traditional business model, 1st Best Marketing Strategy Award (TIMUR 2003), Best Web Award (La Verdad 2008)


Rosa María González

Associate Vice-President of

Academic Affairs

Ferran Adriá Chair Director of gastronomic culture and food sciences (UCJC), Royal Academy of Dance of London (RAD) Teacher Diplome. Degree in Pedagogy, (Madrid Conservatory).

Director of the master in neonutrition (UCJC).

Director of Culinary Creativity courses at the international hospitality school Vatel. Administrator of the company "Weipas Plan" working for the improvement of health through physical exercise and nutrition.


Gabriel Leonart

Associate Vice-President in Chile

Hotel Management School Director. Degree in Hotel Management specializing in Gastronomy (INACAP). Post graduate degree in Strategic Coaching (MIP).

Being a member of the Tourism, Hospitality Gastronomy committee at the UTC-INACAP. Also being a member for the certification committee for the career of Hospitality

at the UTC INACAP. I was a member of the UTC-INACAP Certification committee to

get the TEDQUAL OMT Certification for the Hospitality and Gastronomy career.


Chandra Shamsher

Associate Vice-President in India

Degree in International Tourism (USI) and Spanish Language (JNU). Pursuing PhD in Cultural Tourism Management (BHU). Travel Consultant at Catai India. Tourism Researcher and Expert in Academic Affairs.

He has worked across sectors viz. Tourism, Academics, Information & Technology and others in India, Nepal and Bhutan with companies from Argentina, Spain, Switzerland and USA. He speaks nine languages such as Hindi, English, Spanish, Italian or Nepali. He is a recipient of Swiss Govt. Excellence Scholarship.


Gaspar Ros

Associate Vice-President of

Academic Affairs

Professor of Human Nutrition, Food Science and Safety of the University of Murcia (UM). Former Vice-chancellor of Research and Internationalization (2010-2014) and currently Dean of the Veterinary Faculty of UM.

President of the Scientific Committee of the Spanish Agency for Consumption, Food Safety and Nutrition.od Safety and Nutrition.


Frédéric Duhart

Institutional Advisor on 

Academic Affairs

Doctoral Studies (EHESS Paris), Postgraduate in Civilisation, Economy and Art (University Bordeaux 3), Bachelor on History (University Bordeaux 3).

Member of the academic team UD ‘Eating Disorder Clinic : Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity’ (Sigmund Freud University/Paris, France). Member of the Consolidated Research Group VITISUNED (UNED, Spain) and of the CARLCCS (Victor Babeș University, Romania). General Secretary of the Commission on the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition of the IUAES (ICAF). General Coordinador of CORPUS International Group for the Cultural Study of the Body.

'Eusko Ikaskuntza Baiona Hiria’ Award 2001. Author of several books and Editor of collective works. Founding Member of 

the inter-institutional group Food

Sovereignty in Chiapas (Mexico) and of the Ibero American Association of Viticulture and Social Sciences (Chile).


Jocelyne Napoli

Institutional Advisor on 

Academic Affairs

Senior Associate Professor in Tourism Studies, Toulouse University. International Expert in higher or further Tourism education programmes.

Member of UNITWIN/UNESCO network “Culture, Tourism, Development”. Director of Master 2 International Management of Air Transport and Tourism (MITAT) | PhD in Tourism & Communication Management. 


Quique Cerro 

Special Advisor on Culinary Affairs

High Degree in Gastronomic Management and Hospitality UL. Graduated in Culinary Arts

IES San José.

Secretary-General Spanish Cooking Team (Members of Worldchefs).

He is also a Local Delegate of Eurotoques and Secretary-General

of ACCM (Association of Chefs of Castilla-La Mancha).

Brand Ambassador of #RaizCulinaria, and Winner of the "Gold Hook" Award. Professionally, Mr. Cerro works as Chef at JCCM and Culinary Professor at official Spanish State Educational Centers. He is a regular Collaborator to the Media and Speaker at Congresses.


Juan Manuel Redondo

Institutional Advisor on

Financial Affairs

Bachelor of Science – BS- Economics (U.C. Madrid). 25 years award Spain Association of Economists. Member of the Spanish Institute of Financial Analysts. Professor of Finance (M&A, Company Valuation, Financial Planning). Teacher at Environment & Sustainability School.

He is Co-founder since 1996 and a member of the Board of Global Action Plan Spain, international charity that is working for a green and thriving planet. The partnership’s programmes are supported by UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme)

He currently teaches ESG on an international online platform.


Francisco-José Hernández 

Special Advisor on Legal Affairs

Bachelor of Law and Bussiness Degree (UPC-ICADE), Expert in Third sector Foundations and Associations, Master in Taxes, Specialist in Insolvency Law and mercantil Enterprises, Company Law and Corporate Gobernance.

He Has practiced Law for three  decades in Spain   and he belong at Valencia College (ICAV), Diploma in International Contracting, Business Taxation and expert in Business Restructuring, Mergers and Divisions and Secretary of the Boards of Foundations.


Carlos Alonso

Advisor on Fundraising

& Commercial Relations

Lawyer studies at UCM, expert in communication and marketing in the food sector. He has worked in several fields of this industry, holding Sales Manager positions in numerous companies in the HORECA channel (Food Service). in specialized publishers and in Chefs representation agencies.

Mr. Alonso has been one of the Organizers in the "Chef of the Year" contest for more than 15 years and has been responsible for fundraising in the Bocuse d'Or Spain Team and also for the Spanish Competition Team in Worldchefs.


Marios D. Sotiriadis

Special Consultant in Academic Affairs

PhD in Tourism Management from the University of Nice, France. Visiting Professor at University of South Africa and University of Ningbo, China. Formerly he was Professor of Tourism Business Management, TEI of Crete, and

Tutor of the Hellenic Open University, Greece.

His research and writing interests include tourism destination and businesses marketing and management. He has undertaken a variety of research and consultancy projects for both public and private organisations of the tourism industry. He is Vice President of the International Think Tank ‘Shaping Together the Future of Tourism’, Vixouze, France. 


Almudena Villegas

Gastronomic Culture Consultant

Food historian, specialising in gastronomy, dietetics and nutrition. Doctoral studies at Cordoba University (UCO, Cordoba). Professor-Researcher at Alfonso X University (UAX, Madrid) and UCO. Member of the Spanish Royal Academy of Gastronomy, member of the Network of Excellence of IEHA (France) researchers, Adviser to the Andalusia Gastronomy Chair.

Author of several historical works, research articles and gastronomic essays. President of consulting firm Garum Gourmet. National Award for Research in Gastronomy; Prize to the best historical and gastronomic novel published in Spanish, Winner of four Gourmand World Cookbook. International lecturer on gastronomy issues.

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Sara Beatriz Guardia

Gastronomic Culture Consultant

Food historian. Has been Chairholder UNESCO Chair on Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Tourism at the USMP. Director of the Center for the Study of Women in the History of Latin America, and director of the Commission for the Bicentennial of Women and Independence in Latin America.

Author of several historical books, research and gastronomic works, for which has received Gourmand World Cookbook Awards: Award for Research in Gastronomy; Best Historical and Gastronomic Published in Spanish; Best Culinary History Book; Three Stars: A Masterpiece; Best of the Best for the past 12 years at the Frankfurt Opera House.


Begoña Sieyra
Consultant on Institutional Afairs

Degree in Information Science at UCM. Degree in Psychology at UAM. IESE Master in Human Resouces. CEO at two companies specialised in branding. Expert in Corporate Communication, Institutional Protocol, business development and intermediation and new market openings. Journalist collaborator and interviewer at different media, conference lecturer and academic materials writer

She directed the Barajas Airport Authority room, the board of communication directors at Getafe C.F. and the UOC campus, being responsible for organising events. She has been Communication and Marketing Manager for some famous brands of luxury products.


Miguel Ángel Martín

Consultant on Institutional Affairs 

Master in Viticulture, Oenology and Wine Marketing (ISSC). Master Cavista (EVER). Diploma in Management and Public Administration (UPV). Vice President of the Spanish Association of Wine Journalists and Writers (AEPEV).

In 2007 he founded the Enocata Tasting and Sensory Analysis Room. Communicator and wine critic. Commentator and talk show host on various radio shows. Write about wine and gastronomy in newspapers, guides and magazines. International Judge in different wine competitions. Belongs to FIJEV and Valencian Association of Sommeliers (ASVASU).


Sara Carducci

Consultant on Institutional Affairs

International Relations & Student Recruitment Manager. Degree in Spanish and English Studies (L’Orientale – Università degli Studi di Napoli). Director and CEO in Easystage. Head of International Relations Department in ISG Huelva.

Specialist in Student Recruitment for vocational schools and univeristies.

She has developed her professional career in hotel and catering sector as Project Manager in the framework of European Programme for Education and Training.


Javier Lorés Mínguez

Design and Communication Consultant

Scholar Degree in Design in UCM.

Illustrator, portraitist, photographer and cartoonist specialized in digital edition.

Several courses in artistic issues.

Expert in setting up events and exhibitions.

He directed the design department of the WGI Global Report 2020.

Professor of film and photography in San Agustín College dorm.


Gumer Guerra

Communication Consultant

Degree in Audiovisuals and Journalism (UCM).

Producer Director of Cinema, Theater, Television, Documentaries and Advertising. President of the Multicultural Film Festival in Ceuta (Spain). Producer and Content Director of the International Film Festival of NGO Voices.

He has developed his long professional career in several countries, especially with English and North American companies. As an Event Producer, he collaborated actively in EXPOFOODING World Conference of Gastronomy and International Relatios. He has worked on hundreds of food advertising spots and numerous thematic documentaries


Isaac Abad

Consultant on Image Affairs

Diploma in Advertising and Marleting (CENP), photographer specializing in food (product, still lifes, portrait and agri-food reports). Official photographer of the

Spanish Cooking Team and the Bocuse d'Or Spain Team. He has worked for numerous Public Administrations, Trademarks and Advertising Agencies.

He has exhibited his works several times in galleries and at events including the World Conference of Gastronomy and International Relations at the Ferran Adrià Chair of the Camilo José Cela University.


Juan Suárez

Director of Institutional

Security Affairs

International Risk Manager. Law Degree (UPD). Master in Crisis Management (Official College of Political Scientists and Government of Spain). International Risk

Analyst (UG).

Professor at UNED and URJC in matters of Corporate Risks.

He has been an Advisor and Consultant in more than thirty countries including the management of intergovernmental relations actions and works for multinational companies.

Writer and speaker on topics of International Relations, risk control. and corporate security


Joaquín del Toro

Executive Director of

Corporate Security

University Specialist Integral Safety and Security Management. UNED. Lead Auditor ISO 22301: "Business Continuity Management" UNED/IMQ.  Diplomado in Leadership and Security and Diploma in International High Studies. SEI-URJC. Lecturer on the Integral Safety and Security Manager course at the UNED and CEf-UDIMA Universities.

Professor in private security courses and specialist in intelligence and corporate protección. Member of the Spanish State Security Forces (on personal leave). He has belonged to the counter-terrorism unit of the Guardia Civil and in the Security Service of the Spanish Royal House. I´m  Author of several articles and books.


Víctor García

Communication Consultant

Formed in Audiovisual Information Science (UC), Producer of several successful TV programs. TERT degree in radiotherapy (CEU), recognized by the Nuclear Safety Council (CSN). Collaborator of the Spanish Cooking Team since its foundation. Member of the Television Academy. Postgraduate certificate in International Relations (URJC)

He has developed his long professional career in cinema and television,  with Spanish, English and North American companies Expert in organization of human resources. Collaborator with World Gastronomy Institute in Expofooding

World Conference of gastronomy and international relations.


Rosa Santofimia
Deputy Director of the General Secretariat Office

Degree in Statistics. Master in Marketing and Commerce, ESEM. Public Relations Managerin WTMG. Expert in tourism promotion with international experience in Vietnam, Cambodia, Bhutan, Indonesia, Jordan, Nepal, Dubai and Gambia Technical. Director of International Press-Trips and Fam-trips to Tanzania, Dubai and Spain. 

Chief Operating Officer in "EXPOFOODING (World Conference Gastronomy and International Relations)". Specialist in Organization of Thematic Events. Expert in cultural promotion in cultural events

on schools.


Satur Cantón ♰ RIP 2022
Commercial Relations Manager

Expert in Financial management, Professional sales to groups and organization of human resources. Collaborator of the Spanish Cooking Team since its foundation.

He was Delegate in Levante (Spain) of the Art and Gastronomy.
Foundation and Director of the thematic event “GastroElche Showroom”.


Antonio Pérez

Deputy Director of

the General Secretariat

Gastronomic Writer and Reviewer (Newspaper and Radio programmes). International Judge of the professional cooking Spanish team. Honorary Professor of Miguel Hernández University (Technologic food department). Executive Chef of Alma Marina Restaurant. Professor of occupational and continuing education (Wine and Cuisine).

Activities and mentions: Speaker in a wide range of national and international Gastronomic Congresses. Member of the Jury of several national cooking contests (Arroz a banda, Wines of Monastrell, olive oil, tapas …). Member of Sommeliers Association of Alicante (ASPA). Member of the Brotherhood of Wines of Monastrell. Herald of Jumilla´s Wine Festivities 2002. 

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Raúl Iglesias
Director on Sociocultural Affairs

Higher Degree in Sociocultural Technician (TASOC) ICDP. He has developed his work as owner and director of independent stores and chain stores, as well as in Shopping Centers.

He is an expert in Exhibitions and Fairs, a specialist in Human Resources and stock management.

For twenty years he has been the Exhibition Judge at the Royal Canine Society.

He has been a director of several associations and Director of the Young section of the Red Cross in Madrid, collaborating as a Teacher in numerous continuing education schools.

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José Manuel González-Mujeriego

Culture Consultant

Specialist UCM in Bromatology and Food Technology. He worked in banking sector. Co-founder and Secretary of the Pharmacy Section at the Ateneo de Madrid. Essayist and author of several books related to the work of Cervantes. Speaker at Princeton University (USA), at the University of Sao Paulo (Brazil) and at the UIMP.

He is Vice president of the Association of Friends of the Mota del Cuervo Mills, a member of the board of directors of the Association of Friends for the History of Mota del Cuervo, a Member of the International Association of Cervantistas and the Certeza Forum for International Studies.

Board of Subsidiary Organs

F. Xavier Medina

President of Committee

on Education

Doctor in Social Anthropology. Professor and Director of the Department of Food Systems, Culture and Society, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Barcelona. Director of the UNESCO Chair in Food, Culture and Development, UOC. World President of the of the International Commission on the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition (ICAF). 

Senior researcher and head of projects on Mediterranean cultures and universities at the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), Barcelona (1991-2009). Member of the candidature of the Mediterranean diet as World intangible heritage of Humanity, UNESCO. Andrés de Irujo Award (Basque Government, 2002). He has been awarded five times with the GourmandBooks, World Cookbook Awards.

Jordi Tresserras

President of Committee

on Food Tourism

Doctor in Geography and History. Director of the LABPATC Lab of Heritage and Cultural Tourism at Universitat de Barcelona. Consultant of international organizations as UNESCO, UNTWO, Council of Europe, European Commission, IADB and World Bank. President of the IBERTUR Network.

Expert in food tourism, quality identity brands for traditional cuisines, and gastronomy hotels. and founding Member of the UNESCO Chairs "Culture, Tourism, Development" at Université de Paris1 Panthéon Sorbonne and "Food, Culture, Development" at Open University of Catalonia.


Lluís Garcia Petit

President of Intangible Heritage Committee

Degree in Geography and History and Diploma of Advanced Studies

in History, specializing in food history. Director General of the Institute for Intangible Cultural Heritage (IPACIM). President of the Catalan Bioarchaeology Association. Associated member of the UMR 5140 of the CNRS.

Collaboration to the inventory of the Catalan cuisine, co-editor of Prácticas alimentarias

en el mundo ibérico: el ejemplo de la fosa

FS362 de Mas Castellar de Pontós

(Empordà-España), curator of the exhibition “The culinary genus -innovations which shape our cuisine”.

David Basilio

Presidennt of Committee on

Hospitality and Hostelry Sector

Lawyer by CEU University and MAJ

by IE Business School. CEO of Hosteleo and co-founder of Linkers.

Vicepresident of AJE Madrid and member of the board of CEIM, member of CEOE as advisory on laboral negotation.

Director of programs about hospitality entrepreneurship of Catedra Ferran Adriá and General Manager of entrepreneurship of FEHR ACTIVA

Isabel Mijares ♰ RIP 2024

President of Committee on Alcoholic Traditional Beverages

Doctor in Oenology, Bachelor of Science in Chemistry. Journalist, Translator and Writer specialized

in wine. Senior Technical Director

of Vitivinicolas Projects in the United Nations Development Program, for Bolivia, Peru, Albania and Moldova. Vice President of FIJEV.

Medal of Agricultural Merit (France), Order of Bernardo Higuin (Chile), Cervantes de Gastronomía Award (Spain)

Special Consultants

John Clancy

Special Consultant for Institutional Affairs in Culinary Arts

Worldchefs Education Director

(World Association of Chefs Societies). Director of  Recognised Schools Global Programme and Worldchefs Global Certification Programme with City and Guilds of London Institute.  Master of Science Degree in culinary 

entrepreneurship. Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Education and Technology. Licentiate City and Guilds of London Institute.

Chef and professional educational and culinary consultant He was Congress Director for the Worldchefs World Congress 2004. Delegate of Ireland for the World Skills Competition in Pastry work confectioner and Chief advising examiner to the Department of Education and Science for the National Skills competitions in Ireland.

Roy D. Palmer

Special Consultant

on Seafood Affairs

Honorary Professor at Universidad Tecnológica del Mar de Tamaulipas Bicentenario. Consultant (Senior Consumer Behavior Expert) - UN Food & Agricultural Organization (FAO) .

President / Executive Director Association of International.

Seafood Professionals. 

President / Executive Director Aquaculture without Frontiers.

Australian Seafood Industry Training Award for Excellence in Training. 'Leadership and commitment to achieving excellence in the Australian seafood industry' - FRDC. 'It's an Honor' - Awards and National Symbols Branch Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. IAFI Award for contribution to the seafood industry. Cert IV TAE (Seafood) & DipSfdPr. Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Manesh Fernando

Special Advisor on

International Hospitality

General Manager of Hilton Colombo, five-star hotel in Sri Lanka. Bachelor of Science degree in Business Studies with Honours from the University of Buckingham in the United Kingdom. Early schooling at St. Thomas College, Mount Lavinia in Sri Lanka and at the Nairobi Academy (Kenya) and Victory Primary School (Nigeria).

More of Twenty years career in hospitality, included Hilton worldwide chain,

in Sri Lanka, Australia, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia and Thailand. He has wide experience in different types of properties, including city hotels, resorts, airport hotels and luxury apartments.


Luis Alves

Director-General of Culinary Relations

Delegate Ambassador Portugal

President Euro-Toques Portugal. Author books. Member of the international Jury WACS-Worldchefs.

Master chef (F WMCS). Master Chef, in Slovenia and Brazil. Gold Medal IKA 88. Ambassador International of various associations: Serbia, Romania, Brazil and Italy.

Honorary Member of several associations (Cuba, France, Romania, Turkey, Serbia, Croatia, England, Korea, Greece, Austria).

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Jesús Marquina 

Special Advisor on Pizza Affairs

Five-time Pizza World Champion API, in Italy. International Pizza Master Instructor. Director and CEO of the renowned specialized pizza school "Marquinetti", The Chef is a hospitality business owner and he is an international technical business consultant. He is a winner of the 2019 WGI Medal of Honor.

Member of Spanish Cooking Team / Worldchefs and Member of Eurotoques. Marquina was appointed Ambassador of Pizza by the Associazione Pizzerie Italiane and has received the Regional Merit Plaque by JCCM. He is a regular Speaker at conferences, Author of different publications, collaborates as a teacher in specialized courses.

Advisory Council

Delegate Ambassadors / National Delegates

Thomas A. Gugler

Honorary Ambassador


(World Association of Chefs Societies) CMC, WACS global approved A Judge

& APA, Co Founder & Board Member SARCA, Founder/Chairman SACTC (Saudi Arabian Chefs Table Circle), Board Member  "World Chefs

without Borders", Member and Ambassador of 80 International

Chef Associations & Organizations.

Citation Highest Technical Award in Gold

from the “All Japan Chefs Association” (AJCA), Professor of HB&VS, SKMER, European

and Mediterranean Areas, Representative

of the Academy Nationale de Cuisine de

France for Germany, IHK (German Industrial Handwork Chamber Representative & Committee Member)

Ragnar Fridriksson

International Ambassador

Managing Director of the World Association of Chefs Societies (Worldchefs) since 2009. A global body that represents millions of chefs in over 100 countries.

He has acquired over 25 years of hospitality industry experience as a consultant,

published food & wine author, food photographer, sommelier and restaurant manager. 

Ragnar holds an MBA from Bradford

University, UK, a Masters degree in

gastronomy sciences from Hautes Etudes de Goût – HEG in Champagne, France and a is a Bachelor's degree from Norwegian School of Hotel & Tourism Management in Stavanger.

Saurabh Kumar Dixit

Delegate Ambassador India

Doctorate Degree in Hotel Management and Expert in Gastronomic Tourism, Consumer Behaviour, and Experiential Marketing. He is the Head of the DTHM, NEHU, Shillong (India). He has been invited

as keynote speakers on global platforms, such as  the 4th  UNWTO World Forum on Gastronomy Tourism, Bangkok (Thailand); FoodTrex,

Kathmandu (Nepal).

He has about fifteen books to his credit and published research papers in reputed peer-reviewed journals. He is editorial board member, active reviewer, and guest editor of several reputed Scopus / SSCI indexed Journals. He has successfully organised three International Conferences, i.e. ATHMCON-2016, STHMCON-2018 and GHTC-2020 in NEHU, Shillong (India).

Donna J. Keren

Delegate Ambassador USA

Doctorate from the CUNY, Graduate Center (NYC), she trained as an anthropologist and Latin Americanist. Senior Vice President, NYC & Company. Head of the Research Unit at New York City’s destination.

Adjunct Professor at the TCHT. at New York University, an advisor to the NY Town & Gown initiative. 

Member of TTRA (Travel & Tourism Research Association). She has published on food, culture, travel and economic including several UNWTO publications on shopping, LGBT travel and cities.  A frequent speaker at global conferences including UNWTO, UNESCO, WYSE, ITB, World Cities Cultural Forum, GNETWORK 360 (Argentina), and ICOM.

Sidney C. H. Cheung

Delegate Ambassador China

Professor of the Department of Anthropology, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He got his PhD in Osaka University on the study of cultural relations between Ainu people and Japanese. 

His co-edited and edited books include Tourism, Anthropology and China (White Lotus, 2001), The Globalization of Chinese Food (RoutledgeCurzon, 2002), Food and Foodways in Asia: Resource, Tradition and Cooking (Routledge, 2007) and Rethinking Asian Food Heritage (Foundation of Chinese Dietary Culture in Taipei, 2015), and is General Editor of Berkshire Encyclopedia of Chinese Cuisines, Vol. I-V (Berkshire and Oxford U. Press, forthcoming). 

Tracey  Santiago

Delegate Ambassador Philippines

Cultural Manager and Cultural Tourism expert specializing on heritage and gastronomy.  Bachelor of Arts in Art Studies (UP)  and Postgraduate Diploma degree on International Cultural Cooperation and Management (UB). President of the Cultural Partnership Initiative (CPI) Alumni Organization in the Philippines. She has also served as a Board Trustee of ICOMOS.

Instructor for Humanities at the University of the Philippines. She started supporting local stakeholders in creating their own culinary tourism programs. Recently, she was the Project Director for cultural projects in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the ASEAN and the 2017 Cultural Exchange Year of the ASEAN and the Republic of Korea.

Florencio Sanchidrián

Special Ambassador

of Gastronomic Culture 

Founder of the Association of

Ham Cutters. World Ambassador for Iberian Cured Ham by the

International Academy of Gastronomy in Paris. Is responsible for Iberian issues in thematic Guides such

as Repsol.

He is the pioneer of the profession of ham cutters, which he also turned into art. The main schools of ham cutting bear their name, taking this discipline to the university environment. Great promoter of the gourmet product, he carries out interventions around the world such as Formula 1, and he is author of numerous books and publications


Fiorella Dallari

Delegate Ambassador Italy

Professor in Geography (Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna). Member UNESCO/UNITWIN

Network “Culture, Tourism, Development”. UNESCO Italian Chairs "Territory, Sustainability, Tourism". Responsable: European Association of Vie Francigene Scientific Committee (EAVFsc), projects about Culture and Food

for European Pilgrimages (EAVF, Via Romea Germanica and Strata) and local communities.

Editor-in- Chief, Almatourism.


Mauro J. Ferreira

Delegate Ambassador Brazil

Adjunct Professor of the State University of Western Paraná - UNIOESTE - Foz do Iguaçu. Post Doctor in Tourism and Cultural Heritage by the Universitat de Barcelona-UB. PhD in Geography from the Federal University of Paraná. Master of Science in Communication from the University of São Paulo, in the Tourism Area Brazil.

Manfred Muellers

Delegate Ambassador South Africa

Honorary President of The South African Chefs' Association. Senior Lecturer at the School of Tourism and Hospitality for the Faculty of Management at the University of Johannesburg (RSA).

Awarded by University of the Witwatersrand, and the University of Adelaide among other institutions. He is distinguished by WorldChefs (WACS), Les Toques Blanches, La Chaine des Rotisseurs, IKA Culinary Olympics, Verband der Koeche Deutschland, German Gastronomic Academy (GAD), Cookery and Food Association ,Australian Technical Institute and Craft Guild of Chefs

Miloš Lachkovič

Delegate Ambassador Slovakia

World Master Chef Society, President Aregala Slovakia, President Cook Widhout Borders, Vicepresident Euro-Toques Slovakia, Ambassádor Slovakia Chefs for India, World Chefs Widhout Borders, Master Chef NIP.

Member Kórea Master Chefs, Union of Europen Chefs, Ambasador Slovakia HACF, Certificate Judge Sud Kórea

Erich Glavica

Delegate Ambassador Croatia

President of Euro Toques Croatia, World Certified Master Chef (WACS). WoldChefs - WACS Approved Judge, Chapter Chairman WMCS

for Croatia.Founder of CHEF-in, Master's degree - Croatian Craft Chamber, Austrian Master's degree. 

Owner of a Rent a Chef Agency, Consultant for Hospitality & Personnel. Won numerous awards at international culinary competitions. Winner of the Croatian Culinary Cup 2014. A specialist in Croatian and Austrian cuisine and in preparation

of wild game.


Tahir Amiraslanov

Delegate Ambassador Azerbaijan

Degree faculty of Technology and Organization of Public catering of Leningrad Institute of Soviet Trade.

Founder and director of Azerbaijan National Culinary Center (ANCC) and President of Azerbaijan National Culinary Association (ANCA).

Honorary Member of WACS-Worldchefs, Vice-president of WICS, Chairman of Committee on Traditional Cuisine and Beverage under IOV UNESCO.

Honorary member of different culinary Federations. Author of more than 30 books, articles, as well as the first Azerbaijan Culinary Encyclopedia and winner of "Best Eastern Europe Cuisine" nomination of "Gourmand World Cookbook Awards”.  He is the owner of the world’s highest culinary awards.


Knud-Erik Larsen

Delegate Ambassador Denmark

Certified Teacher HACCAP, Graduated Waiter and Chef with Bronce Medal, Graduated Teacher, Chef Instructor Gastronomisk Institute Stavanger Norway, Head Chef expert in hotel and restaurants, Certified Professor for Dietetic, Chef work experience in France and Norway, Director for Aregala Denmark, Coach and Manager for FACRC and AACJB.

Expert for the Platform of European gastronomy in Latin America, International Jugde, Various publication of international gastronomy, Author of several books, Member of the Board of Aregala, Ambassador for F.I.C Brasil. Eurotoques Diplom. Danis Food Writers Guild. Danish Member of WorldChefs (WACS).


Nhi Nguyen Thi Hong

Delegate Ambassador Vietnam

Director of Gia Hoa Phat Co, Ltd., Expert on management, business and understanding of agri-food products, especially tea.

Expert in products for food and beverage. Disseminator of the Tea Culture in the hospitality sector in Asia.


Emrah Köksal Sezgin

Delegate Ambassador Turkey

Doctor and Ass. Prof. of Adnan Menderes University. President of Gastronomy Assocation of Turkey.

He is the only chef to have two consecutive Olympic gold medals in Turkey. He added Olympic and World Cup gold medals to his list of distinction among other medals and awards. He has participated in international and national competitions as jury.


Paul Christiaan Klieger ♰ RIP 2019

Delegate Ambassador

Hawaii (U.S.A.)

PhD in Cultural Anthropology and other Graduate Degrees from the University of Hawaii, Honolulu. 

Chancelor of the Royal Houseof Hawaii and President of the Kamehameha Foundation and was for many years a curator at the Hawaii State Museum.

Dr. Klieger is Knight Grand Cross in several Eoyal Orders, a Catholic Knight of Malta and the Holy Sepulchre, and is a Member of the Royal Honor Guard of the Portuguese Royal House of Bragança.  He is Commandant of the Royal Guard of Hawaii.  He has written several books, mostly on Hawaiian history.


Gary Filbey

Delegate Ambassador United Kingdom

Degree Certificate in Education (University of Greenwich, London), Consultant to the Food Industry, Vice-President and World Ambassador of World Master Chefs Society (London), International Judge, Ambassador for the United Kingdom with Skmer (Croatia), Lecturer in Food Studies – Bournemouth and Poole College. 

Honorary Membership: Israeli Master Chef Academy, Turkish Culinary Federation (for Life), Gastronomy Association of Greece, Gastronomy Association of Turkey, Horeca Association Serbia, WACS Accredited Jury Member,  City and Guilds’ Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Qualifications, Further Adult Education Certificates, Distinguished Leadership Award – American Biographical Society


Filiz Hösükoğlu

National Delegate Turkey

Degree in Mechanical Engineering (BU) Postgraduate (GU) / Mech.Eng.Dept. Food Writer and Researcher. Member of Slow Food, Oldways Preservation and Exchange Trust (USA); Gastronomic Society of Turkey; Turkish Cultural Foundation, Food Art Center, Administrative Board; 3rd Tourism Council, Gastronomy Tourism Committee Member.

Gourmand World Cookbook Awards Best Book 2008. Worked with BBC, CBS;

provided consultancies for Paula Wolfert,  Faye Levy, Anissa Helou,

Condé Nast Traveler, Steven Raichlen 

Culinary Backstreets,  Documentary film

on baklava within master apprentice relationship (“Douceurs d’Orient”) and various others. UNESCO Silk Road Workshop moderator, and contributer, 2017.


Gladys Pérez-Ferrando

National Delegate Argentina

Titular Professor in Master of Conservation of Cultural Heritage C/Cop Argentina. Architect Master

in Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and Historical Centers (UNESCO). Postgraduate in Cultural Tourism (UB). Specialist

in management of Cultural Heritage (OEA). Member of the Argentine Committee of World Heritage


Advisor National Argentine Commision

of Monuments, Historic Places, National Ministry of Culture. Administrator of 

Maison Curutchet, Le Corbusier work, to World Heritage Committee UNESCO. Executive Coordinator Site Committee Casa Dr. Curutchet. Professor in Graduate Management, Heritage and Cultural Tourism of the Ortega y Gasset, Argentina and Seminars on Cultural Tourism.


Akamine Jun (赤嶺淳)

National Delegate Japan

Ph.D. in Philippine Studies (U.P. Diliman). History of controversial marine foodways in Asia and sustainable and responsible consumption of seafood. Professor at Graduate School of Social Sciences, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo. Institute for the Study of Global Issues. 

Expert internationally recognized in matters of sustainability in seafood. An author of Conserving Biodiversity for Cultural Diversity: A Multi-sited Ethnography of Sea Cucumber Wars, (Tokai University Press).

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María Galán

National Delegate Colombia

Master Sustainable Tourism

and ICT (UOC) and a Master in  Management of Local Tourist Destinations at CETT- UB. 

Research Coordinator of the

Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management - Universidad Externado de Colombia and Director of the Master's Degree in Senior Management and Hotel Development.

More than thirteen years of experience planning and managing tourist destinations. Researcher, lecturer and consultant for the tourism and hotel industry, expert in sustainability applied to destinations and tourism entreprises.

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Vita Datau

National Delegate - Indonesia

Master in Project Management, University of New South Wales, Sydney Australia. Technical advisor for Gastronomy & Shopping Tourism –Ministry of Tourism The Republic of Indonesia Initiator & Chair – Indonesia Gastronomy Network Expert Member, Co- Initiator in ASEAN Gastronomy Network. International Speaker on Gastronomy related to Tourism,

Culture, Destination development based on Sustainable Development.

Former Project Management consultant  in UN World Food Program, Indonesia office.  

President of Academy Gastronomy of Indonesia 2014-2018, and actively involved in Academy International of Gastronomy in Paris.

Expert in strategic thinking process, facilitator management. Her Research Triangle concept of Indonesia gastronomy has been published in UNWTO global Report on Gastronomy Tourism 2017

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Carlos Fernandes

National Delegate Portugal

Associate Professor at the Polytechnic of Viana do Castelo, Portugal. B.A. at Syracuse University (USA), M.A. at Rutgers University (USA) and Ph.D. at Bournemouth University (UK). Grand Master of the Confraternity of the Gastronomes of Minho (Portugal), member of the Global Expert Network for IGACT and Coordinator of the ATLAS Gastronomy and Tourism Research Group. 

Expert for the Platform European Region

of Gastronomy; member of the scientific committee of the National Observatory of Gastronomic Tourism in Italy and the Seven Wonders of Gastronomy in Portugal. Member of editorial board of the Journal in Gastronomy and Tourism. Various publications in the gastronomy and tourism field.


Roberta Curiazi

National Delegate Ecuador

Doctor in Environmental Quality and Regional Economic Development, MSc in Economics of Cooperative Firms, degree in Economics at the Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna. Postgraduate specialized trainings in International Cooperation. Invited Professor and Researcher at FLACSO Ecuador. 

Expertise in territorial socio-economic development and sustainable development, with especially focus on tourism industry, cooperative development, and industrial and tourist districts. 

She participated to research and training (learning) projects on sustainable socio-economic and environmental development, and tourist sustainable development both in European and Latin-American contexts.


Jean Paulin Mengue

National Delegate Cameroon

PhD in History UN; Master and Bachelor’s Degrees in Rural Sociology UN and UY1; Specialist in African Traditional Medicine; Substitute Teacher at the UY1; Coordinator for Cameroon of the Interdisciplinary Center for Research on the African communities and those of the Diasporas; Central Africa Senior Representative WAC.

Coordinator OP IUAES 2017 Ottawa Canada “Medical Experience. Specific Insights in its Movements in Africa”; Coordinator OP IUAES 2018 Florianopolis Brazil “Local Medicines Experiences in Time and Space. Specific insights in their encounters in Africa and Latin America”.

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Laura Pérez-Orta

National Delegate Venezuela

Degree in Graphic Design (LUZ) Director of Information, Head of Design and Publicity in the "Executive Direction of the Magistracy of the Judiciary" in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

Expert in administrative management of public entities and in social media.


Daniel Negreira

National Delegate Taiwan - ROC

Chef of long training and successful career in Europe and Asia. Columnist and Food and Wine Writer.

Best Young chef of the Basque Country  2006. Top 500 restaurants of Asia on the Miele guide 2009, Best foreign restaurant on Taiwan by Miele Guide 2013, Best of Award of Excellence on wine spectator 2013, 2014, Best Wine List of China 2014 , 42nd Best Restaurant of Asia by The Daily Meal.


Patricia Fernández

National Delegate Peru

Master degree in Cultural Management (UB), specialization: Intangible Heritage and Cultural Tourism. Professor in the Postgrade Schools of the Pontificial Catholica University of Peru. Adviser in cultural policies for the Ministry of Cultura and for the Ministry of Education from Peru. 

She has received awards for his research and scholarships for his postgraduate studies.


Carlos Amezquita

National Delegate Colombia

Business Administrator (UMNG), Postgraduate in Supply Chain Management and Business Intelligence (UMNG). General Manager and Supply Chain Manager in multinational organizations and companies in México, Colombia, Panama, Venezuela, Ecuador and Brazil.

Additional is an Independent Instructor

and consultant in Supply Chain, journalist and specialized writer. Expert in team organization and food divulgation in

social media.

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Anita Stewart   RIP 2020

National Delegate Canada

Food Laureate, University of Guelph; Member of the Order of Canada; Founder and President of Food Day Canada/Journée des terroirs®; Doctor of Laws (Honouris causa) University of Guelph; Master of Arts (Gastronomy) University of Adelaide.

Specialist in Gastronomic Tourism, she is affiliated with the Arrell Food Institute and is expert in the field of Canadian ingredients, food systems and the people who populate the food & agriculture space in Canada. Recently honoured for her leadership by the Canadian Centre for Food Integrity.  


Veyis Durdu

National Delegate Turkey

Vice President of Turkey Culinary Federation - European TAFED. Head of brand management at World Association of Master Chefs. VIce President of WAMC - Turkey. Researcher of ancient Anatolian Cuisine, history and culture. Anatolian Culinary Arts Instructor.

He has done consultancies for Candidate Cities for the UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy label. Specifically for the municipality of Adana, Turkey. As a gastronomic research writer, he received the A-category Ottoman and Turkish cuisine superior success Award in 2019. 


Hanhee Hahm

National Delegate South Korea

Director of Center for Intangible Culture Studies, Chair of UNESCO ICH NGO Network in Korea and Professor of Cultural Anthropology in Chonbuk National University, Korea. Ph.D. and M.A. in the Department of Anthropology, Columbia University, USA.

Conducting several research projects regarding Jeonju, UNESCO City of Gastronomy and Kimji,

Korea’s representative food. 

Advisory Members

Olivia Bringas 

Advisory Member Mexico

Director and Founder of Tierra y Turismo Mexico Consultores, S.C; Consultant and expert in planning and development of tourism projects for communities in the rural, indigenous and natural protected áreas. Specialist in design of food and cultural tourism routes.

Friend member of the International Social Tourism Organization. Degree in Public Accountant; Master's Degree in Promotion and Development.

Fransisca Wijanarko

Advisory Member Indonesia - Singapore

Marketing Specialist, Bachelor

of Art, in UNN.

A technology savvy marketing manager with a steep marketing experience in the F&B sector and was responsible for brand communications behind some hostelry sector in Singapore.

Over the years of working with various F&B concept, she possesses strong business acumen in identifying and capitalizing on new business opportunities. 

Angelo Vettese

Advisory Member Italy

Higher Technical Certifical in Electronic. Tea Sommelier Expert in premium food products, especially Ceylon Tea (Sri Lanka).

Businessman of international distribution of food products, Gourmet Tea Iberian CEO.

Member of the School of Tea Dilmah, Professor and disseminator of the tea culture in Andorra, Spain and Italy.

Robbie Postma

Advisory Member Netherlands

Graduated Chef at SVH culinary school. Higher Education Cultural and social work at Hogeschool van Amsterdam. Food Creative at J. Walter Thompson Amsterdam, Double Grand Prix Winner and Agency of the Year 2015.

Conceptual Chef and Art Director.   

Inspirational Speaker at SHOOT AMSTERDAM. His photography project MENU got published worldwide and scored big in numerous international awards.

Elisa Magnani

Advisory Member Italy

Associate Professor of Geography at the University of Bologna. She coordinates the international project “Territories, Sustainability and University”, aimed at creating cooperation between the

University of Bologna and several Brazilian Universities, to support the study and valorization of the territorial sustainability both from tourist, agro ecological and socio-economic perspectives.

Her main research is on cultures and tourism and has published a book on the heritage of the slave trade in Africa, but she also studies climate change and how societies act to manage it through adaptation and mitigation strategies. She teaches a course on the interconnections between climate change and tourism.


Chindu Chandran

Advisory Member India

Pursuing Ph.D. (Environment Management) from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Dwarka, Delhi, India. She has completed her M.Sc. in Natural Resource Management from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University and graduated in Life Sciences from University of Delhi. 

Currently working on assessment of ecotourism in Munnar, Kerala, India. She has also developed Ecological Footprint System for various protected areas of India. She had carried out a PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal) for various villages in Delhi and was part of Rio+20 INDIA Program.


Sara Nässén

Advisory Member Sweden

Librarian at the Architecture and Civil Engineering Library, Chalmers University of Technology. Master´s Degree in Communication for Development, Malmö University. Bachelor´s Degree in Library and Information Science. Specialized on the Slow Food Movement. 

Currently Master in Wine Culture, Communication and Management at UNISG. Author of several publications like “Between digital archive and social forum - an idea analysis of the visions behind the library portal Europeana”, “Slow Food for thought - Food as cultural heritage expressed in the Slow Food movement´s external communication”.


Nithyanandan Mohan

Advisory Member India

Graduated Bachelors in Hotel management and catering technology at SRM University, Chennai and Masters Degree in International Business at university of Greenwich, UK- Singapore.

Chef Instructor at SRM

University, Chennai.

Professionally experienced as cook at MGM Beach Resorts Chennai. Cook at ADARAAN select, Hudhuranfushi Island Resorts, Maldives. Designated as 3rd cook in AIDA cruises, Rostock, Germany. Buffet Runner at AIDA cruises, Rostock, Germany. DCDP at The Fullerton Bay, Singapore. Got Achievements and appreciation from the worked hotels for different criteria.


Larisa Veselova

Advisory Member Russia

Master MentorCoach, trainer and international trainer. Professor of Psychology by IRBIS University (Russia). International Certification in NLP by UUEE Licensed Practitioner of NLP, by Dr. Richard Bandler. Expert in Personal, Business and Executive Coaching by ICE; Advanced Coaching Tools Corporate business management. Writer.

Collaborator of KeyCoaching International; Creator of  "Volver a Empezar" program; MLM Marketing Professional; Professional nutrition; International co-creator of "Biopolis" - game of Coaching, Emotional Intelligence and Leadership; Creator of the REX Method for companies (customer fedelization, motivation, alignment of Values).


Robert Gelinas

Advisory Member Malaysia

Bachelor's Degree in Hospitality and Tourism Management. Chef of Canadian origin with international experience (France, Japan and Cruise Lines). Former Instructor of Culinary Management.

Presenter at the World Congress of Culinary Traditions in Romania. Experience in tourism, and business conception and development. Speaker and writer with published work.

1st place, Maple Leaf Hot Food

competition 2012.


Rosana Mazaro

Advisory Member Brazil

PhD in Management. Associate Professor, Department of Tourism, Rio Grande do Norte Federal University.

Brazil, Leader of Research Group

ESCRITUR - Critical and Strategical Studies in Tourism. President of ANPTUR- Nacional Association of Research and Posgraduate

in Tourism, Brasil.


Gisela Dezillio

Advisory Member USA

Spirit Sommelier in New York City, Skilled in Catering, Food & Beverage, Event Planning, Tasting & Spirit Education and Hospitality Management. Credit and Distinction received from the Bureau National Interprofessionnel de L' Armagnac as an Armagnac Ambassador.

Associate in Arts with a Major on Childhood Education (CUNY-BMCC).


Tsuchiya Naofumi

Advisory Member Japan

Sushi & Japanese Cuisine Chef.

Sushi Cuisine Certification Adviser from All Japan Sushi Association, Japan. Founder of Eastern

Europe Sushi & Japanese Cuisine Association, Romania. Member of World Master Chefs Society. CEO & General Executive Chef at Tokyo Group (Romania).  Member of All Japan Sushi Association

World Sushi Cup, Japan - Gold Award. Premium of Norwegian Seafood Council. Washoku World Challenge, Member of th

e Association for the Advancement of the Japanese Culinary Art. Regular Jury of Contests, Speaker at events and

Director of Sushi Demostration around

the world. Active collaborations with the Japanese Government.


Danijela Pantic

Advisory Member Serbia

Bachelor of Science in Economics Singidunum University (Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality), Management, Master Degree  Singidunum University, Degree High School for Tourist Management. Chef and Professor of Culinary Arts in High School for Hotel Management  Belgrade.  

CARTS2 Projects for Hostelry Schools in Serbia with Austrian Government. AEHT Member and Judge, Training and development specialist, teaching instructor. Judge, Co-organizer, Mentor and Team Leader in International Competitions and Contests. Author of several books, publications and call papers.


Americo DiFronzo

Advisory Member USA

CEC, CCA, HGT, AAC. Executive Chef,  Union Oyster House  Est. 1826. a National Landmark, Culinary Instructor at The School of Hospitality of Administration and Management at Boston University, Member American Culinary Federation (ACF), National Vice Chairman, American Academy

of Chefs (AAC), Member of

WorlChefs – WACS.

Member of The Associazione Professionale Cuochi Italiani, Member of Les Disciples d’Escoffier International, USA, Member of The Israel Master Chef Academy, Master Chef ACLP Brazil.


Zdravko Krnjajić

Advisory Member Slovenia

President of Slovenian Master

Chef Association. Head Chef expert in hotels, Certified Mentor HACCAP, Certified for Dietetic and Antiallergenic nutrition.

Judge Official WATS.

Slovenian official representative in International events.


Uros Urosevic

Advisory Member Serbia

Master chef , Target Group Manager for HoReCa and previously Head of the METRO HoReCa Centre of METRO Cash & Carry Serbia, is the first Serbian to have been admitted to the world’s most prestigious culinary association: the World Master Chefs Society in London.

He is mostly French cooking style oriented, with modern and artistic influence, respecting all the national cuisines around the World in autentique and traditional way of preparation. While his wery well known field is Mediteranean cuisine.


Kristine Oevreboe

Advisory Member Norway

Bachelor's Degree in Public Health, focusing on diet, nutrition and physical activity.

Chef in the Royal Norwegian Navy.

Professional Instructor for

cook-apprentices in the Royal Norwegian Navy.

Ambassador in Norway. of Chef Without Borders. Board Member of the Norwegian Chef Association. Masterchef-certificate and WACS - Wirldchefs Judge Certificate.

Antonio J. Gras

Food Culture Advisor

Formed in Hispanic Philology. (UM) Diploma in Cooking, Pastry and Wines Sommelier in Italy, Spain and France. Executive Chef and Gastronomic Advisor. Organizer of Conferences, Conferences and Seminars for Schools of Hospitality, Universities and Tourist Institutions.

Professor in public and private Hostelry Academic Centers. Director of the Gastronomic Culture Center in Murcia (Spain). Founding member of the Spanish Cooking Team. Regular contributor in the media and author of several books. .He has worked in countries such as Italy, Slovenia, France, Austria, Germany,  Andorra or Peru.

Paul E. Siserman

Advisory Member Romania

Special Consultant for Hospitality Affairs and  Culinary Arts, Associate and teacher instructor of a licensed hotel professional training school. Senior Cooking Technician with internships in Italy and  Great Britain, Regional director on ANBTC (The national association of chefs in Romania), Member of the World Master Chefs Society.

Honorary Member of several associations. Ambasador of Italian Association Cuisine, Member of The Israel Master Chef Academy, Radio producer and presenter of a gastronomic show that promotes importance of healthy meals for children.


Alessandro Dirienzo

Advisory Member Italy

Master Degree/ Hotel  Restaurant school Sirmione-Italy. Bachelor-University of Scranton Pennsylvania, Hotel Restaurant Management. Chef Instructor and Owner of the Culinary school “Mediterraneo” in  Brazil-Italy. Founder & President of the “Cuisine” First Chef Association- Brazil & Italy. Master Chef in Italy, Israel & Korea. Master of Italian Culinary, FIC - APCI. 

International  Ambassador Italy, Peru, Ecuador and Argentina. Honoray Member of a several Associations (Brasil. Italy, Korea, Taiwan, Peru, Argentina, Ecuador, Austria, India. WACS  Member. Winner of the “Oscar” of Gastronomy Brazil. Gold medal in Japan. Chef of the Years in Brazil & Italy.

Finalist Chef of the Year USA (ACF).


Jennifer Kim Lian Chan

Advisory Member Malaysia

PhD in Tourism and Hospitality Management. Director and Professor of Borneo Tourism Research Centre, Faculty of Business, Economics and Accountancy UMS.

Professorial Chair Holder on Tourism and Human Capital Development. International Visiting Professorial Fellow, Royal Institute of Singapore; 

Senior national panel auditor for the Tourism and Hospitality Program Accreditation (MQA).

Honorary President of the Royal Institute of Tourism, Singapore She has won the- “Prominent Leadership in Category

of Academic instructor 2016” from

University Malaysia Sabah, and "Life time achievement Award 2018" in the field of tourism and hospitality management from Venus International Foundation.

Nihal Kadıoğlu Çevik

Advisory Member Turkey

Culinary Researcher in İzmir (Turkey). Hacettepe University, Department of Folklore. Ankara University, Institute of Social Sciences, Folklore Department (Master). Cultural Research Foundation (KAV), Board Member- Culinary Program Coordinator. Ministry of Culture and Tourism, İzmir Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism, Head of UNESCO ICH Provincial Commission. 

Field research about food culture (in a lot of cities and villages in Turkey last 25 years, (abroad) Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Macedonia, Georgia). (Editor) “Hünkar Beğendi- 700 Annual Culinary Culture”, Ministry of Culture Publications, Ankara 1999  (Gourmand Awards Worldbook “History Written in Turkish Best Food Book” Honorary Award)

Isabel Gimeno

Advisory Member Spain

Economy and Business Administration degree and IESE MBA. Innovation expert specialized on Food, Beverage and Restaurant businesses. Founder of Intenso, an innovation consulting company after managing departments for big FMCG brands and managing a medium sized company in the foodservice and comercial equipment with worldwide presence.

Several Patents in comercial and foodservice  equipment sector being two of them worldwide ones. Director-Organizer of the "Challenges in the Digital Era" Seminar in EXPOFOODING. Speaker in the Master of Innovation in Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón. Trends analysis conference for Basque Culinary Center Alumni in 2016. Speaker in ExpoHip.


Alejandra Feldman

Advisory Member Spain

Gastronomic Journalist (UCM), Director of "Marketing Gastronómico". 

Member Ambassador for Restaurantes contra el Hambre Perú.

Gourmand World Cookbook awards  Perú, "Best Foreign Solidarity. 

Premios Orgullo Peruano", Speaker in ICUM, Mexico and Amforth, Director of area Gastronomic Communication in the Ferran Adrià Chair (UCJC).


Georgine Leung

Advisory Member United Kingdom

PhD candidate at the Institute for Global Health at University College London. She has an MA in the Anthropology of Food at the School of Oriental and African Studies, and an MSc in Public Health Nutrition at Queen Margaret University Edinburgh. 

Her research explores the food and self-care practices of Chinese mothers following childbirth. She is also a nutrition consultant who writes and speaks on a range of food issues in relation to health and culture.


Olivier Michils

Advisory Member Belgium

Degree in Business Management (Communication) at HAM. His career has been developed as a F&B Hospitality  entrepreneur and consultant for  different hospitality projects worldwide.

Expert in hotel, restaurant, bar and franchise concept creations, openings and reorganisations . Also specialist in Gastronomy. 

Member of advice for several hospitality organisations. Advanced tea inspiration certification. 

Mª Luisa Safont

Advisory Member Spain

President of the Art and Gastronomy Foundation, Academic founder of the Aragonese Academy of Gastronomy. Expert in "Institutional Gastronomy", ESADE Business Management. Author of numerous books and thematic articles and Speaker.

Pioneer and innovator in generating activities relating the culinary arts with artistic disciplines and including literature and plastic arts.Promoter of numerous regional thematic events focused on local food products.

Marianela Olivares

Advisory Member Spain

Expertise on human resources, Master Degree by ESIC Business School. CEO of Linkers and COO of Hosteleo, Tecnical director of Waiter of the Year Contest in Spain, Training Manager of Bocuse d´Or Spain and Selección Española de cocina. 

Director of programs about human resources of Catedra Ferran Adriá and GASMA ( Gastronomy and Management of CEU University) General Manager of employment  of FEHR ACTIVA.

Ernesto Di Renzo

Advisory Member Italy

Cultural anthropologist at Tor Vergata University in Rome, where he is currently coordinator of the master degree in "Food culture and culinary traditions". 

He has carried out several field studies in different areas in Italy concerning both food culture and its environmental interconnections. Author of several books and scientific papers on the transformations of food behavior, cultural revival in rural society, the functional uses of wild edible herbs in folk and urban culture. 

José Maria Egea

Advisory Member Spain

Professor of Botany of the

University of Murcia (UM). Dean

of the Biology between 2000-2008. Publisher of scientific journals Agroecology. Specialist in Agroecology, rural development

and food sovereignty.

Members of the Spanish Society

of Ecological Agriculture.

Co-direct a project to design the Agrifood Strategy of the city of Murcia, in accordance with the conclusions of the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact, promoted by FAO.

Antonella Pellettieri

Advisory Member Italy

Research director at Institute for Archeological and Monumental Heritage (IBAM) of National Research Council (CNR)- Scientific director of project MenSALe about histories and representation of food culture in Basilicata. Euro-Mediterranean.

Member of the Board Foundation

Leonardo Sinisgalli and member of the board Foundation Lucana Film Commission. Author of several book and publications. Scientific director of the book series MenSALe.


Roberta Garibaldi

Advisory Member Italy

Professor of Tourism Management at the University of Bergamo, she’s an expert in food and wine tourism; she has done several researches and consulting activities for local authorities, consortium and companies and she's authors of several books.

Board Member and Ambassador for Italy of the World Food Travel Association; Coordinator of the Observatory of Food and Wine Tourism in Italy; Member of the Scientific Committee of Treccani Gusto - Italian Encyclopedic Institute; Member of AIEST – Association Internationale d’Experts Scientifiques du Tourisme; Member of  ATLAS – Association for Tourism and

Leisure Education. 


Álvaro Arriola

Advisory Member Mexico

Formed in Dramatic Literature and Theatre the UNAM, Producer for Televisa in his Cultural Channel, Sub Director of the System Hidalguense of Radio and TV, Founder and The Director of Peripecia A.C.

He programmes " That one that moves us " with the Secretariat of CDMX's Social Development across the IASI


Ticiana Oliveira

Advisory Member Brazil

Bachelor in Tourism. Master in Tourism - EACH / USP. PhD in progress in the Latin American Studies Program - PROLAM / USP. Researcher on Coffee in the context of rural tourism in Brazil and Colombia. 

Expert in the dissemination of the Culture of Coffee and promoter of food tourism activities in small communities, especially in Brazil.


Antonio Khalaf

Advisory Member Spain

Business Development Director at IRI and Member of the Steering Committee at FehrActiva. Founder and CEO of FehrActiva (a company

of FEHR). He was responsible for the Marketing Department and a Business Unit at TPI (Telefónica Publicidad e Información), with responsibility in: Spain, UK, USA, Argentina, Chile and Peru.

He was responsible for the Marketing and the Customer Experience Department at Yell including: pre-sales, post-sales, business intelligence and optimization of processes. Among the companies in which I was previously rendered  his services are: Bolton-Cile group (Product Manager of big brands).


Antonio P. Russo

Advisory Member Spain

PhD at Erasmus University Rotterdam, is tenured associate professor with the Department of Geography, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, and teaches at

the Faculty of Tourism and Geography where he is Coordinator of the MA in Management of Tourism Destinations and member of staff of the WINTOUR Erasmus Mundus master. 

He is the author of more than 30 academic publications in tourism and urban

studies, and advisor to local and regional governments, and international bodies such as the EU, the Council of Europe, the BID and UNESCO. He is board member and research coordinator for the ATLAS association.

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João Pedro Gomes

Advisory Member Portugal

Researcher at CECH-UC and PhD student in Food Heritage at University of Coimbra. Master in Art History and Bachelor in Archaeology.

Researcher in "DIATA Project: Lusophone 

Food Heritage", developing research in material culture associated with table/kitchen, culinary/gastronomic literature and social and cultural practises in Portuguese food contexts (16th to 19th centuries). Currently with a FCT scholarship to develop the PhD project "Portuguese Confectionery. Origins

of the Portuguese food heritage

(16th to 18th centuries)”.   


Lara González 

Advisory Member United Kingdom

Bachelor’s Degree in History and Archaeology at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Masters of Research in Environmental Archaeology at University of Reading. PhD in Archaeobotany at University College London. Archaeobotanist at Museum of London Archaeology. Expert on the study of archaeological foods and in particular prehistoric bread from sites in the Near East and Europe.

She received a LAHP Pre-doctoral Award from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council in the United Kingdom to carry out her research into the origins on the bread culture in the Near East through which she has pioneered the methodology for the analysis of archaeological cooked foods.


Julio Quiroz de la Rosa

Advisory Member Chile

English Teaching degree (UC). Professor at UTC INACAP. Hotel Trainer in Hospitality. Technical Education Teaching Degree.  UTC INACAP. Post Graduate Studies in Management and Leadership (UCL), Master in Education and leadership.

Traineer for different Hotel Companies. Chile and Overseas, Hospitality Consultant for Universidad Católica de Chile, Hospitality and Gastronomy Consultant for private companies.


Alejandro Ordás

Advisory Member Spain

Diploma and Master in Business

Management and Administration (UPCT). Specialist Technician in Sanitary Feeding - UV

(University of Valencia). Owner of Advice Center on Healthy Living.

Trainer of Nutrition Workshops (AECC). Trainer and speaker for food supplement

laboratories and the French Association of Orthomolecular Medicine (AFMO).


Ana Paula Guimarães

Advisory Member Portugal

Associate Professor in FCSH-NOVA Lisbon. PhD thesis in Portuguese Literature:  representation of body in popular culture. In 1980 founded IELT/NOVA: research center in traditional cultures, crossing disciplinary areas (ecology, gastronomy, arts, medicine, mathematics, economy). IELT’s Director until 2015.   

Published several books and articles and organized many events and conferences on these subjects. Book award from ONG’s Advisory Council on Equality and Women's Rights.


Christian Holvoet

Advisory Member Chile

Hospitality, Tourism and 

Gastronomy school Academic at UTC INACAP campus Apoquindo.

Hospitality Management Degree,
Culinary Arts Degree, Post graduate Degree in Gastronomy 

Management, Integrated Project Management Diploma UTC INACAP,

Master in Business Management Student INACAP-UOC.

Ñuble Región Director & member of ACOBAR A.G (Asociación Nacional de Bartenders de Chile). Member of AGEPVVI (Asociación Gremial de Enólogos y Profesionales del Vino del Valle del Itata). Member of the ACP (Asociación Chilena de Parrilleros) country partner of the WBQA.


Patrick Strefford

Advisory Member Japan

Professor of International Relations at Kyoto Sangyo University.

Dr. Strefford teaches courses on International Relations, International Development and

the Theory of Knowledge. His research focuses on Myanmar’s foreign relations, particularly aid donors’ policies and practices towards Myanmar.

In 2013, Dr. Strefford was awarded a Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences grant to support research into international aid to support the transition in Myanmar and he is the Principal Researcher on this grant, focusing on donor assistance to capacity building in the public sector.


Hiroko Sasaki

Advisory Member Japan

Bachelor of Law and International Relations, Diploma in Culinary Studies. Journalist writing on the art of gastronomy and food culture. Founder and Director of Chefs for the Blue, a group of Tokyo’s top chefs working and promoting on seafood sustainability in Japan.

Led Chefs for the Blue as a team leader and won 2018 Seafood Co-Lab, an international project competition organized by SeaWeb and Conservation Alliance for Seafood Resources, addressing new sustainability challenges in the global seafood industry.


Kamaleswar Kalita

Advisory Member India

Ph.D in Geography.  Specialization: Environment Management, Tourism and International Relations. He is presently working as Principal at Doomdooma College, Assam, India.

He has 21 years of teaching and research experience, and is the author of 6 books and more than 150 academic publications. 


Gabriela Palacios Pola

Advisory Member Mexico

Doctorate in Ecology and Sustainable Development from ECOSUR. She is a full-time research professor at the Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences of the UNICACH. She is part of the State System of Researchers and is a member of the Multidisciplinary Education, Culture and Gastronomic Innovation Research Group (GIMECIG).

Specialist in sensory and nutritional quality of food products, sustainable food, and food safety. She is coordinator of the Sensorial Evaluation Laboratory of UNICACH, where she has trained more than 200 semi-trained judges and 30 experts in sensory science for the panels of coffee, cheese from Ocosingo, cream cheese from three regions of Chiapas and corn tortillas.

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Sabrina Lyngdoh

Advisory Member India

PhD in Tourism Management (NEHU). Post Graduate in Tourism Administration (BU). Faculty (IITTM, Shillong). She has several years of experience in teaching tourism subjects at a few Universities in India and brief experience as a travel consultant and airline trainer with leading travel corporate like and IGT.

Specialises in cultural tourism and allied tourism subjects; published papers in reputed journals; coordinated a Tourist Viewpoint project by IITTM; sponsored by MoT and MoRTH, GoI. Successfully coordinated workshops on Homestay and Adventure Tourism in NE India. Has been invited as a resource person to workshops/seminars/summits and conferences across India. 

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