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Veyis Durdu
14 min read
Turkish Coffee, without tradition, nothing can reach the universal dimension.
The reason why Turkish coffee is so loved and known in the world is the strong coffee tradition, social rituals and different preparation...

Dr.Kanchan Chowdhury and Dr.Nilanjan Datta
8 min read
How ayurvedic dietary concept may revolutionize modern healthcare issues
We protect our life by eating food as well as maintain our body. Faulty diet is the underlying driver of each illness. A proper knowledge...

Veyis Durdu
13 min read
Mevlevi Cuisine
Think of a Kitchen. This Is the Place where not only the Food but also the hearts of dervishes are cooked Veyis Durdu, Researcher on...

Nihal Kadıoğlu
10 min read
Examples from Local Desserts in Turkey
Just like many other societies, dessert accompanies different periods of life in Turkish cuisine. The expression, “let us eat dessert and...

Roberta Curiazi
23 min read
Il gusto di mangiare italiano a Quito
La cucina italiana, è da sempre sinonimo di eccellenza e genuinità in tutto il mondo e, per questo, tra le più apprezzate a livello...

Veyis Durdu
9 min read
Evliya Çelebi ve Hamsi balığı / Evliya Çelebi and Hamsi fish
“Seyyah Evliya Çelebi , Hamsi kelimesinin etimolojisini (halk etimolojisi) yapar ve adı ‘elli gün süren kış’ anlamına gelen ‘Hamsîn’...

José Manuel Iglesias
14 min read
Chontaduro, el Fruto del Amor
El chontaduro es un fruto de la palmera amazónica, un alimento versátil y nutritivo, considerado un potenciador sexual al que se...

Rahul Singh
5 min read
Dabbawalas: The food courier service in Mumbai
The «dabbawalas» of Mumbai form a unique chain of service which is a legacy more than a job. The success of this business is an example...

Chindu Chandran
3 min read
Munnar in India: «Chai Paradise» with a delightful cup of bliss!!!
Top tea producing Indian states are Assam, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Tripura etc. Out of all these producer states, Munnar from...

Veyis Durdu
4 min read
Traditional Cuisine Cultures are the common heritage of all humanity
Afyonkarahisar UNESCO gastronomy city abode for travelers, for those coming from the King’s Way or the Silk Road, for those in the past...
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